Vinyl Pulse: Tattoo Royale Store Now Open!

Here at Pulse we have always had a few rules. Always work to create a quality
laser treatment, tattoo removal creams and intense pulse light therapy.

Pulse Tattoo Chronicles: New Flash September

This weeks featured painting from our collection here at Pulse, is from none
References my height, age, weight, and pulse rate.

Pulse Tattoo Chronicles: In Re Development
My Righteous Babe w/Pulse tattoo
Pulse Tattoo & Art Studio Review

Pulse Tattoo Chronicles: Robert Tyrrell New Prints
his signature tattoos on his chest, back, arms, stomach and shoulders.

He even included the Pulse logo. Along with being a tattoo staple in Pacific

Badass tattoo artist Russ Abbott's DVD is now in stock here at Pulse.

Posted by PULSE at 7:25 PM
Art With A Pulse Tattoo & Art Studio
Art With A Pulse Tattoo & Art Studio
Pulse Tattoo & Art Studio Review

Pulse Tattoo Chronicles: Fine, Fine Art.
Art With A Pulse Tattoo
The boys from Tattoo Royale have been busy getting ready for the upcoming